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Ut vitae feugiat magna, ut mattis ligula. Aliquam ut rutrum est. Maecenas sit amet scelerisque orci. Aenean et ex ut elit tincidunt rutrum vitae eleifend metus. Nunc tincidunt venenatis tellus euismod fermentum. Maecenas sed dapibus eros. Phasellus eu mi metus. Nunc mi nisl, viverra id sollicitudin et, auctor sit amet augue. Morbi blandit dolor ac rhoncus semper.


My name is Kris Johnson, and I offer professional freelance photography services in Louisville, KY, and surrounding areas. I specialize in dog show photography, capturing the beauty of dogs both inside and outside the ring at AKC dog shows. My work is featured in magazines and showcased in homes worldwide. In every photography session, I aim to create unique works of art, focusing on creative compositions and natural moments.



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